You add adult acne to that title and you have all of my least favorite things. I know many women who embrace the beauty that is aging. I on the other hand am throwing a toddler sized fit, a two year old fit to be exact.
I once upon a time had a very pretty strawberry blonde color of hair. Now that I am older I have gone very dark and oily. Calm down folks it is as hot as I am laying it out to be. Anywho last September hubby and I began Dave Ramsey. We have not been A students but it has for sure given us a lot to think about, discuss and learn from. I am not saying we are not following a budget, we are. I am saying we are not as prepared as we should be for the unexpected items and with three kids that list never ends.
Anyhow I have suddenly started graying. Gasp. Say it isn't so (this is my monologue as I look in the mirror). But it is so and with no budget for a professional to cure the problem I must turn to a box. Only I am not having great luck with boxes. So I am turning to the mighty all knowing blog world and asking.......What do use and/or have you used and what advice do you have for me?