Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hair Color and Aging

You add adult acne to that title and you have all of my least favorite things. I know many women who embrace the beauty that is aging. I on the other hand am throwing a toddler sized fit, a two year old fit to be exact.

I once upon a time had a very pretty strawberry blonde color of hair. Now that I am older I have gone very dark and oily. Calm down folks it is as hot as I am laying it out to be. Anywho last September hubby and I began Dave Ramsey. We have not been A students but it has for sure given us a lot to think about, discuss and learn from. I am not saying we are not following a budget, we are. I am saying we are not as prepared as we should be for the unexpected items and with three kids that list never ends.

Anyhow I have suddenly started graying. Gasp. Say it isn't so (this is my monologue as I look in the mirror).  But it is so and with no budget for a professional to cure the problem I must turn to a box. Only I am not having great luck with boxes. So I am turning to the mighty all knowing blog world and asking.......What do use and/or have you used and what advice do you have for me?


  1. Umm. Umm. I am no help on this one. My lack of hair is the issue.

  2. I've recently discovered about five gray hairs. I think it's unfair because I still have acne. I really thought I could do a trade-off. Anyways, let me know if you find a solution! I'll be needing to use one soon.

  3. i went mostly grey before 30. genetics! so every 6 wks..i stretch to 8...off to the hairdresser. it SUCKS.

  4. I have some of those grays sneaking in here and there too. Ugh. I can't afford to have it done professionally--I get my hair cut professionally, because I have the goddess of hair cut my hair, and a bad cut will ruin my life... but, I don't have her color it. I use Loreal's Medium Reddish Brown, or Garnier Nutrisse's Medium Reddish Brown-depending on which one is cheaper when I go to the store. I prefer Loreal's though, now that I think about it--at home we have black/red sheets, but when we were in Vegas and sleeping on white sheets I swear the Garnier Nutrisse left purple on the white sheets--a whole WEEK after I dyed it, and yes, I had rinsed it well, and washed my hair every day since I dyed it, so who knows what's up with that.

  5. Any time I feel like having a hair colour change up I enlist Q's help. It really looks better when you have help! You have grays? No way!
