Friday, May 7, 2010

Sometimes Things Are Just Funny.....

...and than you realize it is happening to you.

So I got one of those "people of Walmart" emails a month back and it was the funniest one yet.  Seriously I died laughing.  Literally died laughing, that is why I was away so long - I was dead.  Just kidding.  Anyways.  Here is the picture I found the funniest.  The thing is, it is never the pictures that are so funny but the captions, so I have included the caption.

Toss in some cat food and you have the loneliest grocery list EVER!

Seriously I almost just died again because I started laughing again when I got the picture and caption loaded.  Since the time I originally received this email I have thought back to this caption and picture combo and have giggled about it many times. 

As I mentioned things have been a little crazy around my house lately, so in an effort to try and salvage my weightloss I have started Weight Watchers.  This has not proven to be helpful so far because - I don't have the time to really plan - HELLO!!  Anyway for lunches and to have on hand at home I have bought a ton of frozen meals, you know the "healthy" ones.  Let me just tell you I may be laughing at the picture above but because life is so busy this is what my grocery list is looking like these days.  So all I can say is "note to self - DO NOT GET A CAT".


  1. I know that processed is bad. I KNOW this, but we moms have so much to think about! Between Gooner and Q, sometimes throwing a Michaelinas lean meal is the easiest thing to do. ;) And people of Wal-Mart is hilarious!!!

  2. Holy moly!!! Wouldn't you get sick of eating those things EVERY DAY!?! Stick with it girl-you can do it!!!

  3. LOL! I hear ya on the weight loss. The 'light' soups are great for lunch too. Just make sure to have a snack ready for the afternoon, you'll need it.

  4. Haha!! Love that picture, and the caption. Every time I eat those meals I end up eating two... I'm a bit of an oinker tho. And, WHY do they smell so good, but taste so terrible?! It's freaky!

  5. Your blog is so pretty !! I'm already a fan :) Bisous !
