Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Love From Florida

My Hubby knows I LOVE the beach.  Seriously.  I feel so at peace when I am sitting on the shore.  It is a serinity I can not describe nor can I duplicate.  Knowing this, here is a little photo shoot sent with Love from Florida.  Wish I could have been there!  These pictures he sent make me happy too! 
(wish I would have sent the real camera with him - would have framed these!)

Where is your place of serenity or how do you fully recharge?


  1. Aww! Did he write your name in the sand? Too flippin' cute!!! I heart the beach as well but never get there enough. Maybe CO can be my new place! :)

  2. That is sooooooooooooooo cute! I USED to go to the mountains to regroup, but now.... um nowhere. I guess that is why I am about to explode at times. I don't know... maybe a good run and the pool??? Oh, and your name in the sand sooooooooooooo lovely. How awesome is your man. Saweeeeeeeeeeet!

  3. That is SO cuuuuuute!!! I love the thoughtful little things in life like that. I think my place of serenity is Town Lake in Austin. I love running there. The path around the lake here is paved so it's not QUITE as nice. But it'll do. :o) I found a bar cart you might like on my bloggy blog.
