- The "Incident" went like this; get to the mall with the kids, AL (11months) and LD (4) - no stroller. I go in anyways - I'm tough. Right. Get to the shoe store as I said as soon as the clerk brought us to the running shoes LD starts SCREAMING hear tummy hurts. Should I remind you here how gross public bathrooms are and that I am carrying an infant? I will save you the rest of the details. So when I got home I could feel the stress aging me and I told my husband "these kids are the vampires of fun". They are so fun to do stuff one-on-one with but it is very difficult to have 2 or more out in public.
-Thursday is hubby's first day away and AM has soccer practice at 5:30p.m.; I have a committee meeting for our May event at 4:30p; and there is the issues of getting the two little one's picked up from daycare and finding someone to watch them. It was a complete exhausting circus!!
-Friday I stayed up until 11pm to get stuff ready for a baby shower I was hosting on Saturday. At 11:30p.m. LD wakes me up saying she wet her bed, but she had a pull-up on so I couldn't figure out how that was possible. SO I get her in the bath an clean up her room and the hall and anything else she touched. That night LD ended up with 3 baths and me washing 3 sets of sheets. She stopped throwing up at about 5:30a.m. and stopped rolling around moaning about 6:00a.m. and AL was up at 6:30 a.m. Needless to say I did not make the shower my sister picked everything up and got it took care of everything. My mom picked up AL for a while so I could get some rest. LD had other plans so she roamed the house watching tv while I slept.
- Saturday I got some rest but I also got a lot of bleaching and laundry taken care of. I love a freshly bleached home!! I also got AM and I Chinese food. Hubby hates Chinese so it was a treat for us. I actually had a great day Saturday. I sometimes make my families life so busy that we never just get to hang out and enjoy each other and we did just that this Saturday.
-Chinese food realization when I was done
Here is my final rant. A few months ago I was struggling because I had all of these emotions and felt like I had to be a certain way on my blog. So I wrote a big long post about it. Out of respect I sent it over to my editor (hubby). What he sent me back really made sense. (paraphrasing) "If you feel like you need to post this than do, but I see your blogging from both sides and what I like about it is that sometimes blogging makes you look at the good side of things. So I never posted that post because I decided that's what I like about blogging too. I tell some of my frustrating stories but I will keep my dirty laundry to myself.
The point of that most RANDOM story is that I am still struggling to get back to business with my good eating habits. I am feeling a little overwhelmed these days. So in true blogging spirit I am going to write post this week that outline my weekly struggles and how I plan on kicking those struggles in the behind!!! So look out for my Kung Fu posts this week - because this chick is kicking butt and taking names!