Thursday, August 6, 2009

What Day Is It Anyways?

I am so sorry I missed my Wisdom Wednesdays post, I have been a bit out of sorts. I didn't realize until late last night what day it was. LD our 3 year old has been giving us trouble at bedtime. This began just before AL was born and has not improved at all. Some nights I finally just give in and let her sleep on the floor next to our bed. Seems a little cold hearted I know, but I am trying to detour her from sleeping with us. LD and AL share a room so I am always worried about LDs screaming waking up the baby. (Or my screaming if we are going to be honest ;)) Does anyone have any advice for me on this topic? She is so dang stubborn I bring her back to her room every time and she still gets back up. I take things away from her just nothing works with her. SO I guess my Wisdom for this week is no matter how long you have been a parent there will always be struggles you need help with from fellow parents.


  1. Ugh, not advice and I feel terribly for you!

  2. Gosh, I know this must be so hard!
    Wish I had some words of wisdom...nothing much, except I would just keep on with what you are doing and with some more time LD hopefully will outgrow this habit...I sure hope so!

  3. I don't have any personal experience in this realm as my son is only 11 months, but maybe you can try telling her that there is a cool fairy that only comes and visits sleeping girls who are in their beds and leaves them a little surprise (such as the tooth fairy). Then, if she sleeps in her bed, leave a small surprise under her pillow.
