Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fun With Christmas Toys

It may be a week past but we are still having lots of fun with our Christmas stuff. 

This toy is a HUGE hit with LD the 3 year old.

The quality of the pictures is not great but she is having a lot of fun!  She took everyone's picture that was in the house.  Although I noticed she would tell you to look at her, hit the button and not wait very long before she put the camera down.  I checked the pictures yesterday and a lot of them are of her feet.  Which is SUPER cute.  I am at work otherwise I would post one.

Hope everyone had a magical holiday season.


  1. How cute. Can't wait to see some of the pics!

  2. haha, I want to see a picture of her feet!!! And it sound LIKE you need to VLOG!

  3. Those are awesome cameras. The kids I sit for got them too- they LOVE them. We don't even load the pics on the computer- they don't care- they just like to take the pictures. = )
