Thursday, April 30, 2009

Getting Closer....

or so I am told. It does not feel like I will ever have this baby. I know I am just being a whiner and the few people reading this are probably sick of reading about it - but I am miserable. My hips, knees and ankles hurt. I have days that my left ankle feels like it is actually broken. Yesterday I had another appointment and my doctor said I was finally dilated to 1. I can almost guarantee he was making it up for the safety of others. Anyhow, last night I was having some contractions. They were bad enough that I could not get to sleep. It was 11:30pm and I needed to get up and move, but I was too afraid to go on a walk by myself at that hour. (I live in a good neighborhood but I am getting paranoid as I get older). So I did the only sensible thing there was to do - I went out back and raked the pine needles that have been bugging me. I grew up in the mountains of California - I hate pine needles. They can start a fire and they block the ground beneath them from receiving nutrients, which kills the grass. And yes this is what they teach you in the hills of California.

The last few days I have been literally sitting in bed. This is probably not helping the way my body feels but it is just a huge effort to do anything. Sitting around has done two things; 1) I have caught up on all the blogs I have been missing out on, 2) has not encouraged any type of academic performance. I am a little ashamed that I have not used this time to be a better student. I can't remember anything or think right now and I also have major senioritis. No not the type from getting older as mentioned above but the kind from knowing I have 2 classes and I am done! So one of my favorite ideas from many of the blogs I have been catching up on is to keep a notebook for blogging ideas. What a great idea! All day as I am out I think ooh I am going to blog about this later - but never remember. I love it! So maybe tomorrow I will spend my time cleaning out the receipts in my purse so I can fit another little notebook in there. That is another theme I have noticed amongst bloggers - ladies why are we carrying around so many notebooks? This does not sound good for our backs. Just a thought. I love notebooks - so just a thought.

I promise I will soon stop being so cranky!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you're having those aches and pains too!
    I have to say that I totally share your Mommy-guilt about being cranky with my family. I WANT my husband to come home, but when he does, he drives me crazy!

    Best of luck!!
